I can't use names, obviously. BUT... I can tell you that it is a health care and rehabilitation facility in Andover Massachusetts. AND... it rhymes with "BINGATE". This is a public blog, but it is OWNED by me. Google(blogger) and I are the only ones with any kind of rights to it.
The following is my frustration at the sight of my "boss" and her facebook becoming private as opposed to SHUT DOWN... even though it was proven to a CORPORATE HR REP that she uses to slander and defile the names of her employees, specifically me...without using names... Doesn't matter. Shes too OLD to have it and it sickens me!
".... I don't believe this! Her profile is JUST private...why is the company allowing a woman near her 50s... who is supposed to be the picture of class and integrity keep a facebook....when its been proven that she uses it as a public vice to vent frustration at her employess (even if no specifiic names are mentioned)...if members of parliment and even most city officials can't have them...why is she allowed to keep it? Seriously. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TIME WHEN FACEBOOK WAS JUST FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS?!(Yes, I signed up when I was in my sophmore year)... I think that should be brought back immediately. I would vote for an age limit...seriously... and no, I WOULD NOT be upset when my age reached that limit! There comes a time when there is MORE to life than status updates about your ugly poodle or your caffiene addiction. I'm frustrated that my job is a poor exscuse for a decent one. I work so hard. I try to do my best. I treat every single person I come across with respect and dignity...and yet they hire this woman. AND more to the point, they don't care about their employees who don't hold degrees. Simple as that. If you work in housekeeping, the kitchen, laundry, transport or anything like that... you're damned. You won't get the respect you deserve or the pay off you earn. I'M DISGUSTED!"
Does anyone know what to do? Is THE LABOR BOARD the next step? Is a lawyer more appropriate?!
Update: At this moment and time, there isn't a petition in the works. However, I feel the ultimate goal would be to create on and maybe facebook would take notice...
"Recently, it has become more apparent than ever that "the social networking site" known as facebook has become a world-wide phenomenon. Having said that, its equally apparent that many of the users are over the age of 40. Employers and employees alike having facebook accounts... and even using said accounts to slander each others names. Whose to blame at this point? Is it the people themselves or are they just venting frustration on a public forum scale? Or is it facebook for allowing the clash to even take place? They do this buy allowing a (for example) 50 year old boss fire his teen employee over facebook. Is this acceptable? No. It really isn't. The door is now open wide for even more harassment.
We propose that facebook impose an age limit (18-26)to all its new account holders. Having said that, since the site was originally meant for college students, it should be also forced upon creation that if you DO not have a college email to open the account with, you cannot receive one."